Jíbara "Desde Que Nací" T-Shirt

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In our recent past, Jíbara was a term to reference the mountain farmers of Puerto Rico. The term was rarely used in a positive tone, yet we now proudly call ourselves Jíbaras. This shift has occurred because we have come to realize that denying our Jíbaro heritage is denying ourselves, our history and our roots.  We are all descendants of Jíbaras! - we do not become Jíbaras, we are BORN JĺBARAS! This shirt was designed in recognition that we don't become Jíbaras, but it is who we are.

10% of Jíbaro's profits are donated to its charitable partner organizations. Through your purchase, you are contributing to the training and education of Puerto Ricans and the protection of the island.

100% Cotton. Shirt made in Central America of imported and US products. Printed in the US.

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